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Apparatchiks of the fourth estate:

Welcome. Here you will find information about JRJ ENTERPRISES.

JRJ Enterprises is making music for those who aren't particularly afraid.

JRJ Enterprises realizes that the music business is always B2B. Our audio accoutrements prepare your brand for success. Your clients will know that you have embraced the blue ocean of the post-human market. Our holistic approach to ESG defines it as whatever we say it is, which is always virtuously misanthropic and oriented toward constant growth without authentic regulation. With JRJ Enterprises nothing can go wrong because the best of all possible worlds is always just one financial quarter away!

JRJ Enterprises is making music for digital immortality.

The posthuman is the utmost human. Immortality lies not in lazy Neo-Platonism. Everlasting ego was a medieval occidental fairytale — not for nothing have so many traditions sought to erase the ego among the living. It is rather action that we leave behind... and the blockchain can now secure the memory of your butterfly's wings' flutter. Your transactions with JRJ Enterprises directly contribute to your eternal blockchain record. Your actions shall not have been in vain. You must, however, surrender your ego.

Improve your confidence through exterior adornments that intimate that you have obscure commitments and refined tastes.

The story of JRJ Enterprises begins in 1986. The Junge Robotik-Jüngerschaft (JRJ), or "Young Robotics Fellowship", arose among US servicemen and other residents of the Zehlendorf district of Berlin. First a religious study circle for electronics enthusiasts, it devolved into a sect following the amalgamation of computationally generative tools known collectively as "the Producer". Relocating to Colombia, the Producer briefly sought paramilitary training at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning [Fort Moore], Georgia, but was rejected as unreliable for US national interests. In route back to South America via Miami, the Producer rebranded JRJ Autodefensas as JRJ Enterprises in order to facilitate the offshoring and laundering of massive amounts of Colombian pesos in Brickell banks. It was at that time that the Producer encountered the indelibly rump-roiling sounds of Miami Bass. From there followed champeta, cumbias rebajadas, and the like. Thereafter it became clear to the Producer and to all JRJ Enterprises followers that narco-paramilitaries had a limited future... the future lie with CHUNKY FUNKY SOUNDS.

The Producer behind JRJ Enterprises responds to some FAQs:

Q: What do you do besides your work with JRJ Enterprises?

A: I am a freelance arts and culture writer and programmer.

Q: What do you use to make your music?

A: Trackers, DAWs, Supercollider, Tidalcycles, and other random things. I will try anything as long as I can get the code to run before losing interest.

Q: Do you perform live?

A: At times.

Q: Do you make your own videos and artwork?

A: Yes, I do.

Q: Why don't you give more insight into your life?

A: Anonymity, once the hallmark of technology, is now becoming a scarce commodity. Meanwhile its use-value remains perennial: without the ego, what one does can stand alone.
